Wow, I finally made one of these! Can you believe it? Okay, so it's not that amazing. I am starting this to tell all those who will eventually come here what's going on. Lots has happened since the last time I updated the site. As some of you probably noticed, I put Max in charge of the comic while I waited on a few things. Let me 'splain.
I recently got married. Okay, nearly three months ago I got married. The only problem that I had concerning the comic was, since I was moving away from my family, I lost my internet/computer access. Therefore I lost my ability to update the site. So I put someone in charge that I believe I can trust to do good work. Max. So if you have any concerns about the comic, email him, not me. I'll try to get him on these boards to start adding on as well.
I started work with a company called Inland Plastics. If you visit the site, you can see what we sell. We generally sell hay tarps and rolls of plastic out of this branch, but there's a lot more that the company in general sells. An agricultural supplier in a sense. Anyway, I got hired on at the end of July as the Shipping Manager. It's a really great job, I have some really good bosses. All in all, I couldn't ask for more in a job.
I hope to get a computer sometime within the next couple of months, so I'll hopefully be back on the site soon thereafter. But that brings me back to my next topic. Posting. With the job I have now, and the other concerns in my new life, I'm not going to be able to update on the comic as often as before. Hopefully I can still keep it to 1-2 times a week, but I'm not sure at this date. Ask me when I get a computer at home.
And before you ask, no, my wife Sarah isn't pregnant yet. We're both set that she will finish college, and if she gets pregnant now, it would make it more than impossible for her to finish. So we're taking precautions so we don't get pregnant. Although we both want children, we know better than to have a child so soon.
Okay, then. That's about it. Thanks for stopping by. Visit my webcomic here, and email me here.