As you've probably read, Sar and I announced we had gotten pregnant again.
Well, Wednesday evening she started lightly bleeding. We went to the ER, and they said that her levels were fine and she was still pregnant (I'll leave out all the details for child-friendly purposes). Thursday she started bleeding pretty heavy, and we went to her doc's. He said that we needed to do tests Friday. He warned us that if it's what he thinks it is, she could be miscarrying. This shook us both up, as you can imagine. She continued to bleed, and we prepared ourselves for the inevitable. Friday they checked her pregnancy hormone again and it had dropped by over 50%. So the doc diagnosed she was or already had miscarried. We had both already figured she would or did already, but it was still tough on us to hear it from a doctor.
So today is Easter Sunday, and we're both doing really good, even though our families are concerned we're upset. God has given us a peace we can't explain, because we should be majorly distraught. We thank Him for His grace and lean on Him during this whole ordeal. We know the baby that was in Sarah will meet us in Heaven when we get there.
So you can understand why there's no Morons today. Email me if you have anything to say to us. If you wish, you can pray for us. We are strong Christians and we lean on the everlasting arms of Jesus through this tough time. Thanks for reading, and take it easy.