I'm back in Indiana, permanent residence yet again, and am currently on hiatus until my computer and accessories are returned to me. I could do some stuff on my lil bro's computer, but who knows. Babies change things.
In other news, life as usual is going good, other than the fact I'm currently out of work and desperately seeking employment to sustain my family's needs. Sar and I are talking about possibly... POSSIBLY... trying to have another baby soon, but my cards are on the negative until we have income and a car and our own place.
Email me silly kids!
The HM has its own forum now, though I haven't advertised it on the site. It is located here, in case you care.
Calling all artists/writers!
If you have an idea for HM while I am incapacitated, send me an email with either the comic or the idea you have, and I'll do my best to see it done.